Friday, July 26, 2013

painting the walls in jacks room

found this in a old Wizard of OZ book

this is what kevin came up with

sort of like the reference but better

yellow brick road

Jacks nursery theme is Wizard of OZ. more 1940s wizard of oz. I made some art for the wall.
 just took coffee stur sticks and painted them yellow. then not glues them in a frame

 the words are vinyle

Sorry it has been so long........

I have been so busy with baby and life I haven't posted in a very long time. I'm making an effort to change that. Here is what I have been working on. Baby photo shoots. With my first son I took so many pic and with my second son I didnt want to fall short.
 this is our beach look. Jack was only 1 1/2 month so he was not beach ready so we played pretend. The water is a knitted blanket and the sand is our dinning room run.

this yoda and darth vadar duo was for may the 4th be with you day

baby borrito-cinco di mayo

 BaT man--- the tree is wrapping paper and the back round is a knitted blanket