Friday, May 25, 2012

babys photos

My poor son has been subjected to me taking ridiculous photos of him since he was born. In this photo he is about 2 or 3 months. Its super easy to take cute pictures like this with house hold items. In the space shot all I did was put down a gray afcan. You can use felt or anything black or gray. Then cut out stars come computer paper. The planets are plush toys he had laying around and the sun was a copper plate. Cut out a circle for the helmet and add sting so it looks like a lifeline.

Taking pic of babies is easiest when they are under 5-6 months. They sleep a lot more and do not try and crawl away form you as much. 
 I cut out fish from construction paper for this one and used blankets for the rocks and sea floor. The fish and turtle are just bath toys and the sea plants are from plants around my neighborhood I picked while taking a walk with Owen. Don't worry your neighbors will mind. I used yarn as the seaweed at the top of the picture and the bubbles are glass beads I had laying around. His nuc is the breathing device  and the air tank is a water bottle I tied around his tummy.

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