Monday, July 2, 2012


My sister and I have always loved my grandmothers pickles. A few years ago she decided they were too much work and she was not going to can pickles anymore. My sister and I jumped into action and got her recipe. We have been making them ever since and have many of our friends addicted. This is the 1st batch of this summers pickle canning run.
This is a step by step visual. Recipe below

Bread and Butter Pickles
8 cups sliced cucumbers
2 cups sliced onions
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
2 tsp celery seed
1 tsp tumeric powder
2 tsp mustard seed
3 cups sugar
Combine cucumbers and onions.  Sprinkle with salt (about 1/2 cup).  Set aside for 2 hours.  Rinse and drain.
Put vinegar, water and sugar on stove.  Add mustard seed & celery seed.  Let all come to a boil.  Add cukes and onions.
Cook about 5 minutes.  Put into hot sterilized jars.  Boil for 15 min using the boiling water canning method. 

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