Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Felt it up

My felt obsession started about a year ago. I still have not learned to make felt myself ( I know how its done just haven't dived in). But I have found many ways to use the felt at craft stores. I've made wreaths, flowers, and fake food for owen to play with. I found a really cute flower that I thought I would share. Its wicked easy.
cut a strip of felt about 2 inches in width,fold in half, then glue or sew bottom together

cut notches down felt. you may cut straight up and down or on a slant

glue as you go and roll up felt. this design is cut on a slant 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our anniversary

My hubby and I just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! I'm suprized  have not killed him yet. heheh I made him this cute pic I saw on pinterest. I love the contrast of red on black and white.
I bought some red buttons but I had so much ugly Buttons....

I painted them in different red nail polishes

paint black stripes about 2 inches apart

glue down felt for shape and you will see threw the buttons but with felt you still see red

TADA! My friend used her cricket to cut out me and you.

Monday, August 20, 2012

key holder

I also made a necklace key holder today using scrape fabric.

scarf if up

I had this amazing jersey fabric I bought ages ago and have been meaning to use for something I just didn't know what. yesterday I was in a sewing mood and thought why don't I make a scarf. that way you can see the pretty design and in the fall i wear a scarf like everyday.
I cut my fabric in half

fold inside out and sew down the edge.

then turn it inside out

sew ends together -hiding the seam and BAM you can a scarf

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

new phot shoot

I'm a photographer and once in a while someone I know wants to do a photo shoot. Today I photographed my friend kylah. She had done some modeling in the past and she was a natural. Here are just a few of my favs.

Wizard of OZ

Today the Hollywood premiere of the Wizard of OZ  took place in 1939. Wicked (the book) is one of my fav and I love the story behind it. I made this cake a while ago to celebrate it.
I have been in love with red poppies ever since I had seen this movie

Monday, August 13, 2012

baby blocks

My friend just had her second child and I wanted to send her something special. I got all the info and wrote it on blocks so she can have it in her room and never forget!
get 4 blocks and paint then a fun color. blue or pink- boy or girl. or maybe the color the their room

I used a sharpie but you can use paint or markers that dont run

hot glue ribbon around all edges then add bow

projects are piling up

I have 100 projects on my to do list and random pieces started and a ton of half down projects. I bought a picture at the thrift store about a month ago that I really liked but it was scratched and beat up. I painted over the the scratches and it looks a lot better.

touched up

added  my sons name to the bill board

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Farms market in Charlotte NC

My fav place for years has been the farmers market. I went to the one near the air port in Charlotte Nc the other day and It was great
the ginger is as big as my head!
plenty of flower venders to go around
the veggies are cheep and huge!
this is the address if you live and charlotte and want to check it out
1801 Yorkmont Road  Charlotte, NC 28217

(704) 357-1269                                                                                    

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fancy picnic

My friends and I have an awesome tue night ritual. My sister and I spend the day together (normally with a friend or two-aka amy) and we do crafts and watch true blood. Then at night my sister watches my son while I go to my knitting group for 2-3 hrs then we all meet back at megs house for dinner and drinking. There are about 5-6 of us that spend every tues night drinking and talking and catching up with the week. We are tight knit group of girls and I have been thinking of other ways we can spend time together in our busy lives and live a little as well. We all are down for anything but we don't act on it as much as we would like. So I put together a fancy picnic. We all wore dresses and some wore big hats and I put together a fancy girl picnic in an amazing park near my house.
Fancy picnic time

french chic

noah killing all the strawberrys

boho chic

owen and I having fun  
Walnuts with honey
artisan bread
cucumber and cheese sandwiches
bre cheese and mozz cheese
brownies and fresh strawberries
(all this I got at the farmers market the day before so it was all local and fresh)

Friday, August 3, 2012

design your own wine class

wine glass from the dollar store, coloring page, tree house studio markers

tape the design on inside of glass just for guild line

add color by coloring layering the look

TADA done

better pic
A friend of time made custom wine glasses for my sister for every holiday! I thought they were great and even though I don't need that many wine glasses I thought one fun Hello Kitty one wouldn't hurt.