Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fancy picnic

My friends and I have an awesome tue night ritual. My sister and I spend the day together (normally with a friend or two-aka amy) and we do crafts and watch true blood. Then at night my sister watches my son while I go to my knitting group for 2-3 hrs then we all meet back at megs house for dinner and drinking. There are about 5-6 of us that spend every tues night drinking and talking and catching up with the week. We are tight knit group of girls and I have been thinking of other ways we can spend time together in our busy lives and live a little as well. We all are down for anything but we don't act on it as much as we would like. So I put together a fancy picnic. We all wore dresses and some wore big hats and I put together a fancy girl picnic in an amazing park near my house.
Fancy picnic time

french chic

noah killing all the strawberrys

boho chic

owen and I having fun  
Walnuts with honey
artisan bread
cucumber and cheese sandwiches
bre cheese and mozz cheese
brownies and fresh strawberries
(all this I got at the farmers market the day before so it was all local and fresh)

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