Wednesday, January 23, 2013

extreme couponing

My new years res was to become a crazy coupon lady. I'm on the right path. The main thing to do to get the best deals is match up store sales with store coupons and manufactor coupons. That is the best way to pay almost nothing if not nothing for a product. The first week and Jan I researched and figured out of how to do this and the do's and dont's of couponing. Week 2 I started, It has been about 3 weeks and I have saved over 500.00 and have started and nice little stock pile of goods. I'm still learning but im now hooked along with getting my sister involved and our friend melisa. Im teaching a girl I work with and buying my parents things they need for almost nothing. Here are two hauls I have made this month.
All this for $40.00 I did not have coupons for milk,icing,bread, or eggs

I made .45 cents on this purchase at rite aid

This is super fufilling and I'm not only making my husband happy by having a hobby that saves us money but im taking care of my family and friends in the process. Its easy to buy things you may not need just because its only 20 cents. But if you are always keeping and eye out for what your close friends may need or parents you can help everyone around you for pennies. You may not need 20 tooth pastes but if a few close friends don't have to buy that for the next few months they may be able to go out to lunch with you more often or spend that saved money on their families. I'm going to keep this up and you will see bigger and better hauls real soon.

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