Friday, June 29, 2012

Owen in a suit!

 My husband was just in a wedding and we bought a suit for my son. Nothing cuter then a baby in a suit!

You always have to wear chuck taylors with a suit

champagne plants

I have had these amazing champagne glasses I bought at the thrift store like a year ago. The blue is just stunning. My husband is constantly trying to get rid of things I have laying around that we dont use so I had to think of something when I saw him eying these up in a Bar. I put a little bit of dirt in them and planted succulent plants. They were just small enough to put on the window sill.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

pookie dot nails!

So I have been painting my nails with pookie dots for years and get 100s of complements and its so easy im sharing my secret with you guys. OK not the best pic but this is all you need.

1) a base color 2) Pookie dot color 3) tooth pick
Paint the base then use tooth pick to apply dots. then top with clear coat. TA DA!

Super Hero cake

My hubby had a great friend getting married this past weekend. We drove from Charlotte NC to Ohio.I wanted to make him an amazing 6 layer super hero cake but with about a 10 hour drive ahead of us with a packed car and baby in tow I thought two layers will have to do. I didn't know if he had a grooms cake so I presented this cake to him at the bachelor party.
This is the cake after a 10 hour drive. Spider man is his all time fav comic book char and captain america is well classic

This shot you can see the top better

This was his grooms cake some backery made. I liked it alot but i wish they had splattered it with more blood

Monday, June 18, 2012

Candy card

This was a cute card I found on the internet. Its a poem that has candy names in it. You write it out on poster board and clue or tape the candy to the board. Its a card but then he gets the candy from it. gift and card in one:) My dad loves choc so he loved it
Dad, we were going to give you a whopping 100 grand for fathers day but they money slipped through our butterfingers. we didnt have a extra what you ma call it to sell and it wasn't pay day. we didnt think a pet kitkat, a trip to new york or an orbit around the milkyway would be appropriate. we do want to  wish you mounds of almond joy both now and later as you eat this card. We hope it doesnt make you rollo ver and get sick. If it doesnt we promise to to snicker. Love your air heads

Choc lovers alert

Megan made the most amazing dessert for fathers day. it was a layer of brownies, then crumbed cookies (add little bit of milk) Choc pudding then whip cream, repeat until you fill clear bowl then oreo crumbes on top! YUM YUM YUM

Fathers Day

I work in the restaurant business so i always celebrate birthdays, v-day, mother and fathers day one or two days before. We celebrates Fathers day saterday with a cook out at our house. we hung out on our redone back deck and shared a bunch of laughs.
I found that award at the good will like a yr ago.its awesome

ken and owen

megan and owen dancing

mom and owen

the deck

The one thing we have been working on at our house is making our back yard nicer and more of a place we want to spend time. It will take a while but with Owens birthday party coming up and summer is here with tons of dinner dates. We sprused up our patio furniture. the table and bench had become so worn down and we needed shade from the blazing southern sun. The sale is from IKEA it was only $20 bucks :)




Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ruffle cake

I had two ladies that mean a lot to me have a birthday this week. Every tues a bunch of us meet at 7717 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Mint Hill, NC 28227 to knit for a few hours and talk. If you would every like to visit or if you are looking for a great yarn shop in mint hill North Carolina this is the place.  We had a small birthday party for the girls this tues. I made a ruffle cake.

If you would like the learn how I found a great video on youtube that shows you how.  check it out!

flower garden ideas

While I was at the botanical gardens They had a cute idea that might be great for someones garden
They took very large planters and in each one planted a different color. They took a rebarb pole ( you can get them at any hardware store) they are used for cement and building things. Took 3 paint cans and dripped whatever color the flowers are over the edge of the paint cans like the paint was dripping into the flower bed. Drill holes in different directions coming up threw the paint cans. It was a cute idea.

Knitting day

I went to Daniel Stowe botanical gardens this past weekend with my knitting ladies. It was national Knitting in public day or month and the botanical gardens had a half price admission when you show your knitting needles. The gardens were lovely and they had sheep goats and venders.

 A farm brought Romney sheep. they are an english breed a sheep used for wool.

I have wanted goats since i started watching the Fabulous Beekman Boys on TV

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Road work ahead

When we lived in our apartment there was road work on the highway near the entrance. The road workers left some of the signs on the grass near the road long after the work was done. One day I go down to the trash compactor and there it was. A large wooden road work sign. I thought to my self that’s a lot of wood that could be used for something. I drug it back to our garage and their it stayed for 6 months till we bought our house. My hubby wants to make a man cave garage and we also needed a pen for the dog when he is bad or company is over who doesn’t like dogs or is Cash (our dog) doesn’t like them. He turned the sign into the dog pen with his work bench on time. It woods great!

Im obsessed with cupcakes so when I saw Martha Steward had cute cupcake 3D stickers I had to find a way to use them. This is what I came up with...

I just glued them on with hot glue and I get tons of complements with them. Im going to try this again with more Martha 3D stickers     

Monday, June 11, 2012

Getting heathly time!

So I joined a gym Saterday and today was my first day! went well and im not even tired :)

How Im going to lose the weight
1) workout 5 times a week
2) eating better

we all know about the first to but the 3rd is an awesome tool we should all use. It is a free weight watchers.It is a cal counting web site. So easy just type in your weight and measurements and get started logging you workouts and food. It will tell you how much you have left for the day.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I have seen this new idea for babies rooms that I'm planning on using in Owens nautical themed room. Our guest room needs a revamping and I have decided to make it Owens room. I want the feel to be old nautical not kiddie nautical.
all you need is a page from a book I like to take the acknowledgement out because well we never really use that do we.        Mod Podge and a wooden letter. Just cut the page into small pieces and smother them in mod Podge. rub them on the wooden letter and BAM you have an awesome old fashioned letter to hang on our wall  

more gnome news

My new fav gnome. Hobby Lobby has their gnomes 40% off :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Granola Goodness

My friend ellie makes home made Granola for her family and her friends. For my birthday she gave me the recipe and my sister and I made it the other day. Whats nice about it is you can change up anything you want so its different every time and you never get sick of it. Here it is how meg and I made it

3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 walnuts
3/4 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup raisins or craisins
1/4 cup plus 2 tbs maple syrup
1/3 cup pistachios

Preheat oven to 350 degreess
In large bowl comine oats, nuts, maple syrup and coconut
put mixture on 2 cookie sheets and cook for about 15 min.
Then take out and put in a bowl to cool down. add raisins at this point. 
If you want you can also add 1/4 cup honey to make it sweeter.

The color run

The color run is coming up in charlotte and Im beyond excited! You start the race wearing all white and then through out the run/walk/jog you have colored pigment thrown at you and you throw it at other racers. At the end its a rainbow of people and boy is it fun.
Find out when its happening in your city and enjoy life.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gnome Obession

I have always liked Gnomes but after watching Gnomeo and Juliet I decided right then and there that im going to make myself a Gnome garden. My sister has always wanted to make a Fairy Garden so we are combining then two and making an amazing play place that Owen can play in when he gets a little older
these are just a few of my Gnomes. Ill post the garden once we have started :)

How to store you hair clips

I have recently just chopped all my hair off. But I still love bows and flowers in my hair. I have found a great easy way to store them. In my linen closet I tied a long ribbon to a shelf then clipped all my flowers and bows to the ribbon. This way they hang at eye level so you can see them and they are easy to pick up or put back. One less box of do-dads laying around :)
Not the best pic but you can see how it works


So I want to be one of those crazy coupon ladies and I have been finding some signs that help so im passing on my knowledge  to you.



These are just a few that I use and like

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My husband Kevin has taken over the garden this year and has done an amazing job. He made two huge raised flower beds and divided 1ft by 1 ft sections. He grew different plants next to each other that would work well with one another. Normal people just plant all the tomatoes next to one another but that willnt help the plants because they are taking all the same nutrience out of the soil.
this is just what I harvested today. My sister and I are going to make pickles with the cucumbers, I made baby food with the squash and a few green beans, I stuffed the peppers, and im drying the basil and oregano.

As you can see ill be harvesting about this much everyday all summer long.

Monday, June 4, 2012

mounted stuffed animals

So Im not all PETA and thinking hunting is wrong. I think if you eat what your killing, its going to feed your family and not just for killing sake. I have always found taxidermy interesting and would love to learn some day. But until them im sacrificing stuffed animals. All you need to start if a wooden plate you can get at micheals or hobby lobby. Any craft store really and black paint. Grab teddy + glue gun and thats all you need.
paint the plack black and then cut off animals head at the neck. Cut at the slant to the head is looking out not down. Also make sure you have alittle more fabric so you can fold the fabrick inside while you glue it. You dont want to see the seam.


more fun at clines

So I showed you all the fun things I brought at clines but Never showed you all the fun we had :)
This is one of the mice guards i found from the play. He has been threw some battles!

Amy has been saying for years she wants a 6 ft tall male chicken ( if you know what she means) But she found an 8 ft tall one!  He hubby will love that!

painted angle from the play. he arms were gone but the rest was amazing