Sunday, July 8, 2012

Make some soap

I found on pinterest a pin that showed us how to make liquid laundry soap so amy, meg, and I gave it a try. I was a fun day in the kitchen with my girls (and owen) and we made gallons and gallons of awesome cheap soap. Here is how you make it.

1 Bar Soap ( any kind but you should pick a sent you like and smells really clean)
1 Cup Borax( I found this at walmart hidden on the bottem shelf of the cleaning isle)
1 Cup Washing Soap

Boil soap in 1 Gal of water until gone ( desolve ). Then add all ingredence plus 1 Gal of water. Wait till is has all boiled together (about 5 or 10 min) Then Funnel into container. It will congeal when it cools down. Just shake it before you add to wash. Its cents on the dollar to make. You will save so much over the long run.
Shred soap with grater before boiling

Everything you need.

soap before we added water and boiled it
Megan stirring the pot to desolve the ingredence

amy and meg funneling the soap into a container. Trying not the burn themselves

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