Wednesday, May 30, 2012

tech kids

My father teaching owen the kindle

My mom teaching owen how to use the I-pad. 
I see kids using I-pads and I-phones 100% faster then I can. Kids in Owens generation will never know what writing a letter to someone feels like. The importance of a hand written thank you card, or a hand written invation. 23% of 6-12 year old kids visit social networking sites on a regular basis.More that 50% of parents believe their children should be able to access the internet by themselves by the time they are 6 years old. 

If this generation does not cure cancer because they are playing angry birds on their I-phone ill be pissed.
 All joking aside, I think back to the leaps and bounds the tech world has made since I was young and had floppy disks on a screen that was only white black and green. I can not wait to see what owens kids have to play with. 

PS: I'm still going to make him play outside :)

cork boards

Turn a bag of corks into an awesome and helpful pinning board

I took an old canvus I had laying around and flipped it over. i painted the wood black and started hot gluing. I had to cut a few to make room but it all worked out nicely.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I want a cheeseburger

So after having my son I thought I am going to work out and eat right and lose this weight. He is 10 months old and as I have been off and on eating right, I have not stayed on track and fought threw my craving and fast food. Well….. Today was the first day. Memorial Day prob wasn't the best time to start. But I only had two wine spritzers and because I worked tonight I only had one big meal of the day. I also told myself I wouldn’t eat after 8. This is going to be my biggest challenge because I work till about 11 and never go to bed before 12 or 1. I am drinking more tea which should be good all the way around. Wish me luck.
e to start.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I have been looking for healthy dessert for this summer and boy have i found one.
I took 2 bananas and about 2 table spoons of nutella, alittle milk and blended it. I used my baby bullet but I guess you could really use any blender. They are amazing! I believe they are around 160 cal or less. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

hot pads

I saw something like this on pinterest and had rocks laying around so i thought HOT PADS

Just cut felt to the size and shape you want

Then start hot glueing.

more nerdy photos

Owen is either going to hate me when he is older or thank me for all his cool baby pitures. This shot is so easy you just take a few baby books lay the on the bed and if you have a globe laying around put that in there to. I took 3D classes from the movies and popped out the lenses and BAM awesome nerd baby photo!.

more jewelry please

Like all women I have way to much jewelry. My mother makes jewelry and we will randomly take a saterday and go to about 3-4 of her fav bead stores in charlotte On a sting is a great one near uptown. We find the beads we like and go back to her house and design away. Its a nice way to spend time together and what girl does not like new earrings and necklaces! So my hubby and I racked out brains for ways to store them and still be able to see them so I don't forget what I have. We also do not have enough art in our master bedroom. So we can up with this.....

My husband took plywood with a nice gran and drew out tree branches. Then he cut it out and screwed it onto the wall. The screwed in small hooks in random spots all over the tree. It is now wall art and I can see all my necklaces:) I win.
LALALOOPSY dolls are my new fav thing so for my birthday my sister megan made me a cake like one of the dolls. It was cute and tasted amazing! its something about the button eyes and their punk rock feel that makes me like them so much.

Friday, May 25, 2012

babys photos

My poor son has been subjected to me taking ridiculous photos of him since he was born. In this photo he is about 2 or 3 months. Its super easy to take cute pictures like this with house hold items. In the space shot all I did was put down a gray afcan. You can use felt or anything black or gray. Then cut out stars come computer paper. The planets are plush toys he had laying around and the sun was a copper plate. Cut out a circle for the helmet and add sting so it looks like a lifeline.

Taking pic of babies is easiest when they are under 5-6 months. They sleep a lot more and do not try and crawl away form you as much. 
 I cut out fish from construction paper for this one and used blankets for the rocks and sea floor. The fish and turtle are just bath toys and the sea plants are from plants around my neighborhood I picked while taking a walk with Owen. Don't worry your neighbors will mind. I used yarn as the seaweed at the top of the picture and the bubbles are glass beads I had laying around. His nuc is the breathing device  and the air tank is a water bottle I tied around his tummy.

Here we go!

My new years resolution was to start blogging again. It is now may and this is my start :) I have a summer planned with Thrifting, Camping, fix our house up, and crafts for me and my son Owen. Hopefully I will have words of wisdom and helpful hints for all who reads this if someone hehe.